mit öffentlichen gewaltandrohungen medienethische debatten anstoßen ✅
Faceslappingshow mit Karen miosga und AfD Politikern einzig akzeptable Show mit denen.
Ostfriesin mastodon (AP)

Wieso Gewaltandrohungen?

Ist doch sehr freundlich, wenn Mensch dem Gegenüber in der Not für einen Vollpfosten eine passende Schelle gibt! 🤔

Ostfriesin mastodon (AP)
🤢 Da wird jemand heute nicht mehr geküsst 🤢😉

Moin. War was?

Margrethe Vestager mastodon (AP)

This is a step in the right direction. But it's not enough.
What we expect from
is to properly limit the risks of
+ enhance security of
Formal proceedings under the
continue as we speak.

[2024-04-24 19:50 UTC]

Effin' Birds mastodon (AP)

Ready to go in Calgary! See you at the Stampede Grounds tomorrow starting at 2pm.

Details and more tour stops:

🐈‍⬛️ hometown (AP)
Fb post says someone lost a well-behaved ferret near st-laurent and beaubien. Anyone in the know?
people like dogs hometown (AP)
well-behaved ferrets rarely make history
uhhuhthem hometown (AP)
@peoplelikedogs you deserve a medal for this

Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

I’m writing a brief guide for how to set up OBS to livestream with #Owncast and #PeerTube. What questions do y’all have? What do you want to know about?
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@ShredderFeeder After @Sean Tilley and his charitable answer to you, I have a less charitable one: what is the intrinsic difference between livestreaming as you see it and making a fool of yourself in someone else's public conversation on Mastodon by spewing some half-baked opinion that says more about you than the subject you're talking about?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Stunden her)

I think that the belief that "people want to see me" is narcissism of the first order. Of course then again, so is almost all social media.

It's an outlet...but if it were to disappear tomorrow I think the world would be a better place, after a brief adjustment period that is. :)

TikTok going away would be the best first step I can think of. Now let's kill facebook next.

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.
-- Henry David Thoreau

#anarchism #quote #bot

We are pleased to share audio from our chat with Palestinian-American journalist Hani Almadhoun to speak about conditions in north Gaza and the soup kitchen there that his brother started. Check our show notes in the link for ways to support.
Check out the zine and transcript of our chat with Hani Almadhoun about his brothers soup kitchen in northern Gaza. This and many more interviews available at

Easy peasy way to help people arrested for the terrible crime of... protesting complicity in genocide.

Give it the couple minutes it takes, if you can. It's worth it. Please boost, or steal this and repost (with alt text!) so it gets to instances my instance isn't federated with, email it to your cool grandpa, get word around if you can.

No one is free until everyone is free.



peachfront mastodon (AP)
i have this baseball shirt...

NASA mastodon (AP)
Sols 4166-4167: A Garden Full of Rocks #NASA #Blogs #CuriosityRover #Mars #MarsScienceLaboratoryMSL

The Humanoid hometown (AP)
I'm really liking #Rust so far
been having fun with it
weird that a modern programming language forces you to implement binary search by hand tbh


Lana mastodon (AP)

Wohnung in #Kiel gesucht?
Falls kein Instagram vorhanden, gebe ich auch gerne den Kontakt weiter. :BoostOK: :ReplyOK:


Auf m Weg nach 2Cesenatico, in Baden Württemberg liegt Schnee. Das ist doch kriminell. #FckThatComaTour

NASA mastodon (AP)
The Marshall Star for April 24, 2024 #NASA #MarshallSpaceFlightCenter

To the tune of the Baby Bottle Pop jingle:

“Shootin’ out a log /
While I crank my hog”

people like dogs hometown (AP)
you just gotta find friends on the shitposty instances
Grog mastodon (AP)
I thought my tragedy joke would do numbers but nothing

📣 Die neue Ausgabe unseres #KRITIS Newsletter von @HonkHase ist online!

Freuen Sie sich auf folgende Themen:

👉 Referentenentwurf zum NIS2UmsuCG vom 22.12.2023
👉 NIS2-Kompass von HiSolutions
👉 4. Referentenentwurf des KRITIS-Dachgesetzes
👉 Bundesregierung entwickelt neue Hafenstrategie
👉 Sicherheitsvorfall bei Südwestfalen-IT kostet Hochsauerlandkreis bisher rund 1,5 Mio. Euro
👉 Bargeld oder Karte?
👉 „Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024“
👉 Putins Bären, CyberCyber, Geheimdienste und wie sie KRITIS zerstören wollen

Jetzt lesen + abonnieren ▶️


MASTODON TIP OF THE DAY: This seems to be as good a time as any to remind you that you can use "in:library" with search terms in your Mastodon search (at least, with the advanced web interface), to search for text in the Mastodon posts you have made in the past. Please see the attached image for an example:

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

Anarchy, today, is attack; it is war against every authority, every power, every state. In the future society, anarchy will be defence, the prevention of the re-establishment of any authority, any power, any state.
-- Carlo Cafiero

#anarchism #quote #bot

There were four people arrested at the A15 action in Toronto, including two Dene/Anishinaabe activists. Palestinian Solidarity activists in Toronto have been targeted for increased surveillance and repression. Settler-colonial states have each other's backs, and we need to too!

Support them at


Eine Liste mit Namen und Passdaten von mehr als 60 Passagieren steht offen im Internet – auf der Plattform eines Datenhändlers. Wir haben versucht zu rekonstruieren, wie sie dort gelandet sind.

Recherche mit @sebmeineck , @roofjoke & @markusreuter


Bryan Haskin mastodon (AP)
even NASA tests in production 🤣🤣🤣

I may be an idiot, but at least I don't believe in trickle-down economics.
Slurp-up economics is what actually happens.

Ein Aufruf zu einem „Tag der Vergewaltigung“ machte auf TikTok die Runde. Die Berliner Bildungssenatorin warnte Schulen. Gut, dass die EU mehr kann.!6003591/

There were at least 16 arrests today at the UT #Austin campus protest in support of #Palestine.

Jail support is needed at the Travis County Jail. Please donate and call if you can help. #Texas #activism #protest #solidarity


Inhaltswarnung: Out of context

i don't wanna be a female-fronted music women

Ben oui hier y faisait 20 pis aujourd'hui y neige.

En 2022, on a eu une grosse tempête de neige (bien plus importante) le 19 avril.

En 2021: tempête de neige le 21 avril.

Arrêtez de faire vos faces de Pikachu choqué. Ça arrive une année sur deux ou plus, parfois deux années de suite.



NASA mastodon (AP)
NASA Mentors, Students Rock FIRST Buckeye Regional #NASA #General #LearningResources

NASA mastodon (AP)
NASA Glenn Joins Big Hoopla STEM Challenge #NASA #GlennResearchCenter #AeroSpaceFrontiers #General #LearningResources

NASA mastodon (AP)
Cleveland School Students Learn About STEM Careers #NASA #GlennResearchCenter #AeroSpaceFrontiers #General #LearningResources

Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

24 April 1893 | A German Jew, Alfred Dresel, was born in Fraustadt (Wschowa). A businessman.

He tried to leave Europe on MS St. Louis. After the forced return to Europe, he stayed in France. Deported, via Gurs & Drancy, to Auschwitz. Murdered in a gas chamber on 28 August 1942.

Kyle Memoir 🍉 mastodon (AP)
We haven’t learned a damned thing. Nowhere.
neuer älter