cicadas understand that the only truly universal language is rage screaming

NASA mastodon (AP)
M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy #APOD

silverwizard friendica (via ActivityPub)

At the park with my kids. A group of older kids (8-10ish?) are playing Among Us, which appears to be Mafia Tag, where you secretly make someone IT, they all play together, and people can die, then they vote like mafia. If they figure out who is It they play tag with a safety spot.

I am so fucking jealous of this group of kind accepting kids, who are stopping to help and play with my four year old and two year old, while also playing the coolest tag variant in history.

The Kids Are Doing Amazing

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@silverwizard The kids have always been alright, then they get beaten out of shape by society, often by their own parents, sometimes literally. 😔

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

Freedom can only be the whole of freedom; a piece of freedom is not freedom.
-- Max Stirner

#anarchism #quote #bot


Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

Happy May Day to our fellow workers, to the student militants, to the occupation resisters, to the land defenders, to the criminalized care providers, to the status quo contesters, to the new world builders—Happy May Day to All Who Dream of a Beautiful Life Together on a Living Planet!

NASA mastodon (AP)
The Marshall Star for May 1, 2024 #NASA #MarshallSpaceFlightCenter

Pink mastodon (AP)

Please click this link very slowly, and don’t refresh too often! It’s very sensitive and easily spooked.

tsia mastodon (AP)
setting up a serverside caching proxy like varnish with a ttl of just a few seconds should be completely enough
Pink mastodon (AP)
yeah it’s just bad programming. If your site goes down because a few 100 requests hit your static HTML site, the only one to blame is you. They should know that…
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (8 Stunden her)

shows gancio (AP)
Organ Trail/Human Compost/Dying Remains/HPV @ Traxide June 23
Beginnt:  Montag, 24. Juni 2024, 03:00

Sewer Pool Productions Presents:

Organ Trail (Pennsylvania Death/Grind)

Human Compost (Toronto Death/Gore)

Dying Remains (Calgary OSDM)

HPV (Deranged Ottawa Goregrind)

Organ Trail, Human Compost, Dying Remains and HPV are bringing the blood, guts, gore and more to Traxide on Sunday June 23! This night of pummeling death metal and brutalized goregrind will be just $15 at the door! Don't sleep on this evening of gore-soaked depravity.



Doors 9:00

Noise 9:30




LunyaTheGay akkoma (AP)
Anyone here knows some zines about polyamory

CKUT 90.3 is live from McGill right now!

Immer wenn man vermutet, gefilmt zu werden, mit Absicht doof gucken.
... und im Anschluss lachen, dass sich wieder jemand drüber aufregt.

NASA mastodon (AP)
NASA Selects BAE Systems to Develop Air Quality Instrument for NOAA #NASA #ScienceResearch #GOESR #NOAANationalOceanicAndAtmosphericAdministration #PlanetaryScience
LyleDAL mastodon (AP)

This BAE systems? Cool. Cool.

Gerrit van Aaken mastodon (AP)
Cool, cool: Das Grundgesetz als git-Repo mit Diffs, Commits, History und Blame:

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a governmentent. The government itself never acknowledges this right.
-- Lysander Spooner

#anarchism #quote #bot

NASA mastodon (AP)
Two Small NASA Satellites Will Measure Soil Moisture, Volcanic Gases #NASA #Earth #EarthSystemObservatoryESO #EarthSAtmosphere #GoddardSpaceFlightCenter

Need sleep, good night y'all! 🌟

Wer sich klimaschädlich verhält, wird in Deutschland belohnt statt bestraft: das Dieselsteuerprivileg, die Pendlerpauschale, das Dienstwagenprivileg und die Energiesteuerbefreiung für Kerosin.
▶️ Weg mit allen klimaschädlichen Subventionen! #Klimaschutz #Verkehrswende
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Stunden her)

Nutzt hier jemand meiner #Follower oder Nicht-Follower aus #Österreich den digitalen #Stromanbieter

Bitte teilen für mehr Reichweite. Danke. 🙏


LA Times reports that last night, hundreds of anti-Palestine protestors violently attacked pro-Palestine peaceful protestors.

Amazing how there was immediate law enforcement to stop peaceful protestors but nowhere near that speed to stop these violent extremists.🤔

The Verge mastodon (AP)
AI security bill aims to prevent safety breaches of AI models

Was jetzt, liebe AfD-Fans?

#BosettiWillReden #maximiliankrah

Erhellend und unterhaltsam wie immer, aber warum muss ich mir den Link in die Mediathek selber suchen? 🤬

Die Mediathek bezahl ich schließlich mit Geld (und zwar gerne!) YouTube müsste ich mit Daten bezahlen (ungern)

Lassen Sie sich doch mal von Fachleuten beraten (@viennawriter) warum mensch sowas vermeiden sollte 🦩 (<= hab leider keinen Babyotter gefunden 😏 )

Einen nativen Mediathek-Link fände ich auch sehr hübsch. ❤ Unsere eigenen, durch uns finanzierten öffentlich-rechtlichen zu pushen ist m.E. immer eine gute Idee. Ich nutze YT auch nicht, wenn es sich vermeiden lässt und wenn dann nur mit NewPipe/Freetube etc. Vielleicht bin ich damit ja gar nicht so exotisch. ;)

Andy mastodon (AP)
why does the Thunderbird front page look like it's a GitHub product :neocat_woozy:

Inhaltswarnung: Hamburg, Strickgarn (vegan)

cafkafk akkoma (AP)
Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

fedi as an isekai anime title:
I meowed to much on fedi and got reincarnated as a catgirl in a yuri anime

Inhaltswarnung: Stolen and enhanced

NASA mastodon (AP)
Two Small NASA Satellites Will Measure Soil Moisture, Volcanic Gases #NASA #Earth #EarthSystemObservatoryESO #EarthSAtmosphere

sound description mastodon (AP)
[suspenseful music builds]

Fedi.Garden 🌱 mastodon (AP) is an independent community of OpenStreetMap people on the Fediverse:


You can find out more at or contact the admin @compass

#FeaturedServer #OpenStreetMap #OSM #Maps #Mapping #Map #Cartography #GIS #Geography #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse


NASA mastodon (AP)
The Great Observatory for Long Wavelengths (GO-LoW) #NASA #NIACStudies

NASA mastodon (AP)
Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR): Shielded, Fast Transits for Humans to Mars #NASA #NIACStudies

noBonzo mastodon (AP)
for a life worth living and the zero hour work week
happy May Day ❤

NASA mastodon (AP)
Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT) #NASA #NIACStudies

Inhaltswarnung: open if not a doll

Lili mastodon (AP)
Behold: the only surviving screenshot of Windows XP Server build 2469.
neuer älter